KEITH DUNN BAND: Chicago Blues Again !!
After treating us to his influential Trance Blues dance performances for some years, Keith Dunn is back to his Chicago Blues roots. The current Keith Dunn Band is closer to that of Junior Wells, Magic Sam and Muddy Waters. The group now uses mostly bass and guitar instead of the two-guitar lineup of before.
Keith Dunn, the group’s charismatic, Boston-born, frontman, delivers his smooth vocals and inventive harmonica solos.
Renaud Lesire has switched from guitar back to the Fender bass. His bass is the anchor and provides the color to the new sound.
Bart Mulders, one of the best blues players anywhere, is out front on lead guitar.
Thomas Pultyn keeps up the drum tradition started here by his uncle, Willie Maze.
You will still hear some of the Trance Blues sound that gave the band its loyal following. But with that Chicago Blues stance and attitude.
The Keith Dunn Band is back and they are excited. Come and see them. You will be excited too!
KEITH DUNN BAND: Chicago Blues opnieuw !!
Nadat hij ons een aantal jaren heeft getrakteerd op zijn invloedrijke Trance Blues-dansoptredens, keert Keith Dunn terug naar zijn Chicago Blues-wortels. De huidige Keith Dunn Band staat wellicht dichter bij Junior Wells, Magic Sam en Muddy Waters. De groep gebruikt nu vooral bas en gitaar in plaats van de twee gitaren van voorheen.
Keith Dunn de charismatische, in Boston geboren frontman van de band levert zijn vloeiende zang en inventieve mondharmonica-solo’s.
Renaud Lesire is overgestapt van gitaar terug naar de Fender bas. Zijn bas is het anker en geeft kleur aan het nieuwe geluid.
Bart Mulders, een van de beste die er is, staat vooraan op leadgitaar.
Thomas Pultyn zet de drumtraditie voort die hier is begonnen door zijn oom Willie Maze.
Je zult nog steeds iets van het Trance Blues-geluid horen dat de band zijn trouwe aanhang bezorgde maar met de Chicago Blues-houding.
De Keith Dunn Band is terug en ze zijn enthousiast. Kom ze bekijken. Jij zult ook enthousiast worden!
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KEITH DUNN BAND: De nouveau le Chicago Blues !!
Après nous avoir offert pendant quelques années ses influents spectacles de danse Trance Blues, Keith Dunn revient à ses racines de Chicago Blues. La puissance actuelle du Keith Dunn Band est plus proche de celle de Junior Wells, Magic Sam et Muddy Waters. Couramment le groupe utilise principalement la basse et la guitare au lieu des deux guitares d’avant.
Keith Dunn, le leader charismatique du groupe, né à Boston, livre sa voix douce et ses solos d’harmonica inventifs..
Renaud Lesire est revenu de la guitare à la basse Fender. Sa basse est le point d’ancrage et donne la couleur au nouveau son.
Bart Mulders, l’un des meilleurs autour, est en tête à la guitare solo.
Thomas Pultyn perpétue la tradition de la batterie commencée ici par son oncle Willie Maze.
Vous entendrez encore une partie du son Trance Blues qui a fait la renommée du groupe. Mais avec l’attitude du Chicago Blues.
Le Keith Dunn Band est de retour et ils sont ravis. Venez les voir. Vous serez également excité !

Stream – listen – download – songs – HERE
Keith Dunn is a blues veteran who has been in the environment for over 30 years. He was born in Boston where he discovered the blues very early after seeing a performance by T-Bone Walker. A while later he bought his first harmonica and was totally bitten by the blues bug. In the meantime, he has played with numerous greats such as James Cotton, Hubert Sumlin and Roy Eldridge. Keith has been living in the Netherlands for some time now and can regularly be seen on numerous European stages where he gives the best of himself together with his Belgian band consisting of Bart Mulders (guitar), Renaud Lesire (bass and guitar) and Thomas Pultyn (drums). The latter is actually the nephew of “Wuff” Maes, drumming apparently runs in the family.
Keith Dunn is still popular because The Maple was chock-full, which seriously raised the temperature. Drinking on time in warm temperatures was once Frank Deboosere’s motto and the beer flowed freely when the band came on stage and immediately sent a solid instrumental into the room with ‘Off The Wall’. This also set the tone for a very energetic performance that would have very few resting points.
The foursome continued with ‘Everything’s going to’, ‘Standing Out Crying’ and ‘Frisco’ where Renaud proved not only to be a solid instrumentalist but also vocally. A voice with a bit of charm where a nice French accent pierced. Keith then took back the reins for a sturdy ‘Hoodoo Man’. Good voice and he did a fine job on the Mississippi saxophone. Bart Mulders determines the rhythm and was again very strong on the guitar, a bit of an unsung talent that Bart, while the rhythm section kept the whole thing tight, in short, the machine was on a roll.
They gradually worked towards the end of the first set with ‘Going Away’, a very nice ‘Strange Land’ – which is a song by the great Charlie Musselwhite -, ‘Ragged And Dirty’, a very swinging ‘Crazy Legs’ and finally reached the finish with ‘Don’t Start Me Talking’. Nice end to a very pleasant first set, which everyone certainly enjoyed. Time for a drink and a breath of fresh air, to be ready for Keith Dunn, The Sequel !
The men continued on the momentum of the first movement, starting with ‘Tip’, followed by a very swinging shuffle ‘Maybe Wrong’. In the meantime, Bart and Keith continued to alternately sprinkle lavishly with pleasant solos, and you could clearly see the attendees enjoying themselves.
Bart is not only an excellent guitarist but can also sing a bit and he proved that with ‘All Your Love’, cover of Otis Rush and ‘Just A Little Bit’. Keith was allowed to rest, at least his vocal cords, because after this Renaud took care of the vocals with a nice version of Little Walter’s ‘Just Your Fool’. Gradually the end of the performance was in sight and Keith took over the vocals again for ‘Stange Things Are Happening’ and a hypnotic ‘Wish You Would’ to put an end to it.
Not counting the innkeeper of course, in this case ‘MC’ Ivan, who came to ask for an “encore” without difficulty and obtained it without a murmur. It even became two, starting with ‘Sadie’ by Hound Dog Taylor, where Bart was able to show his singing skills again. Finally, the evening was closed by Keith to the tune of ‘Snatch It Back’.
This was the end of a more than very pleasant evening, which everyone had enjoyed to the fullest, including the band. So we could return home very satisfied.
Listen to more songs HERE
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All messages come directly to me. Thank you, Keith
Postal address is:
Keith Dunn
Postbus 23006
3001 KA Rotterdam
The Netherlands